Monday 23 August 2010

Where the hell have you been?

Oh, here and there. Thanks for asking.

But really, I'm surprised that the Blog Protective Services haven't taken our blog away and charged us with neglect. And then put us away to rot in prison. Eep. We've got some silly stories about the past two months to share with ye all, so without further delay, I give you "The Freak Days of Summer: The Past Two Months in Livingston County."

The Tweek of Suburbia

On June 24, The Freaks added a new member to our family - a chihuahua named Tweek. We adopted him from the Livingston County Humane Society, and he is the weirdest, perv-iest dog ever, which means that he's perfect for us! Photospam to follow soon.

I Challenge You to a Duel!

We started a Twitter contest between the three of us to see how many responses we can get from people who are relevant in our world. Since the beginning of the beginning of the contest on June 30, we've been tweeting our little hearts out, and I AM WINNING THE CONTEST. EAT IT.

Freaky Fashion

During the first two weeks of July, Shelby and I had family visiting form Magdeburg, Germany. Crazy, right? My grandma's sister-in-law Ermie, her niece Annie, and Annie's son Duztin all came and stayed for our Independence Day celebration. The first time I saw Duztin, who is sixteen, he was wearing a rainbow rhinestone-encrusted Rolling Stones shirt, those hideous plaid shorts that all the dudes are wearing these days, and white low-top Chucks. Oh, and he had a man bag. I'm afraid of Germany now. Really, I am.


On July 8, The Freaks took a road-trip to Grand Rapids to see The Chicago Circus, AKA Bad City, Kill Hannah, and The Smashing Pumpkins, at the Orbit Room. We only stayed for the first two bands, because by that time, we were all sick of Mat Devine kissing Billy Corgan's ass on Twitter. All in all, it was a great adventure. On the way there, we Kill Hannah dance partied in Toshi. We got there super early and snuck Shelby and Emily into the 16+ show, but it was a no-camera venue, so we don't have awesome pics, but I'm sure there are videos around here somewhere. We partook in pre-show swag, thanks to Greg, and then ended up in a giant cluster of Kill Hannah fans, which was perfectly okay with us. After the show, we went back to the merch table to hit on Greg and the lead singer of Bad City, then we departed. Hunger became us, so we stopped at my FOR REAL favorite Pilot truck stop (see here for more info) for Subway and disgusting bathrooms. Then later, we stopped at a rest stop because we needed some candy, but then there was this creep guy, so we left and eventually made it home.
Here's the setlist:
"Life in the Arctic"
"The Chase"
"Nerve Gas"
"Strobe Lights"
"Black Poison Blood"
"Lips like Morphine"

The short set disappointed us, especially when we found out that The Smashing Pumpkins played for nearly two hours, but despite everything, it was totes worth seeing Mat Devine's awesome feather headdress up close.

When it Rains, it Pours

And when it sprinkles, our tent leaks and we all get pissed.

The third week of July took us for an exciting camping trip to our usual spot in Davison, Outdoor Adventures. It's a "Lakeside Resort" (whatever the fuck that means) that Abby's mom has a life-long membership to, so every year, we go "Girl Camping." This year, like last year, we had to sleep out in a tent in the yard of the cabin. The first night, it rained, but the tent was fine. The second night, however, the sprinklers came on, and we were ambushed on both sides. The tent started leaking, and the three of us were awake and very pissed at 4 am. Not fun. Somewhere between blissful and pissed-ful, Shelby got hit on by a bunch of guys that she wanted nothing to do with, Tweek bit one of Abby's cousins, and Abby's grandpa had a minor heart attack. Oh, and our Freaky Ambassador, Katie, dropped by for a day. It's always good to re-unite with friends.


Cinema these days is nothing to smile at. However, once in a while, a new movie comes along that tickles the Freaks' fancies. This time around, that movie happens to be "Inception." If you haven't seen it, we all highly suggest it, especially if you like your brain being turned inside out and being raped ruthlessly. We saw it with Abby's mom last Saturday night, and we're still all like "WHAT."

The Third Time is NOT the Charm

Last night, The Freaks and the Sometimes Freak, Emily, went to see AFI play at Pine Knob in Clarkston. They're playing with Green Day this tour, and each of us have been really annoyed with Green Day as of late. Especially after last night. If you're trying to make a documentary about the terrible effects of alcohol on washed-up adults, go to a Green Day show. Seriously.

We had been planning this event for quite a while, except it originated by getting ever AFI fan we know (which isn't many around here) to go to the show with us and support one of our favorite bands, since we sorta already knew what to expect when it came to most Green Day fans converting into AFI fans. That plan didn't work. So we had a four-man mosh-pit going on the hill, and everyone around us was completely silent. They didn't even cheer.
Here's the setlist:
"Girls Not Grey"
"The Leaving Song, part 2"
"I Am Trying Very Hard to Be Here"
"End Transmission"
"Dancing through Sunday"
"Silver and Cold"
"Miss Murder"
"Love like Winter"

After AFI's set, we were men on a mission: to meet someone affiliated with the band. So we walked aimlessly in circles, until we thought we saw Jade Puget in a restricted area by the West Gate, where we came in. Unfortunately, it turned out to be some creepy lady that had the same hair cut and color as Jade's. Slightly defeated, we went on until we were confronted by a group of DFers from Ann Arbor (where Abby and I go to school), who were asking if we knew where to meet the band. We were about to ask them the same thing. We chatted for a while and then went our separate ways. Upon stopping at the only merch booth that had more than just three different styles of AFI t-shirts, we bought the Freaky Protege, Ansley, a Crash Love poster, and then kept on with our search. Instead of finding AFI, we met another DFer named Ashley, who had traveled to the show all by her onesie from Ohio, so she joined our posse and the search continued.

We stopped occasionally to hear what nonsense Green Day was up to, and sometimes it was horrid. Especially when Billy Joe invited a fan on stage to sing "Longview." That girl was terrible. Soon after, we headed to the bathroom by the Jack bar, where we encountered the drunkest girl I think I have ever seen in my life. We all got a good laugh out of her.

Ashley thought she spied the buses outside, so we went to ask if any of the security guards knew if anyone from AFI had been out in the parking lot, because apparently, that was the method that Ashley had used to meet Davey in the past (We're so jealous). The first set of guards were obnoxiously rude, but the second ones were nice. We talked to them for about ten minutes before we went back to the bathrooms to hang out where we thought the backstage area would be. Then we went to go look for the buses.

We walked around the parking lot aimlessly for a while, and then someone got the brilliant idea to tweet Hunter to ask if they were hanging around anywhere. We moved closer to the exit at the East Plaza to wait. After a few minutes that felt like forever, Hunter tweeted us back and told us that the bus had to leave for Dallas immediately following the show and that he was sorry that he couldn't come and talk to us.

We didn't give up. We high-tailed it over to the security guard by the trailers, who told us that the buses leave from the West Gate. So we booked it over there and ran into some Green Day fans who were actually really nice, so we waited for the buses with them.

It took a while, but we finally saw AFI's purple bus pull out of Pine Knob, and we were all relieved that we at least accomplished something. Plus, we all made a new friend.

All five of us had a tailgate party in Darren after the bus left, where we snacked on Wheat Thins, popcorn, and sandwiches. Then we exchanged info with Ashley and got kicked out by security. All in all, a good night, but unfortunately we didn't get to meet Hunter. There will always be next time...and Freaks don't give up.

So that was our summer in a nutshell. You really didn't miss much, did you?

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