Saturday 15 January 2011

Home Sweet Home?

Everybody sing-a-long!

Home, home in Detroit
Where the Wings and the Tigers play
Where seldom is heard
An encouraging word
And the skies are grey all day!

Okay, enough of that. If you didn't gather from that little ditty, Shelby and I are home from vacation (early, I might add), and now we've got fun things to share! But first, some serious business.

I want to make the Freaks of Suburbia more than just a hole in the road (see what I did there?, and I feel like the blog and the YouTube aren't enough. We've been checking our stats, and we know that readers exist out there, but where are you all? We started out this thing to chronicle the shenanigans we pull in our vile town, but it became so much more. We want it to be more interactive, because we know that there are other Freaks out there who are unhappy with their surroundings, situations, and the mainstream culture that tries to suck us in.

On that note, we've taken one more step to put ourselves further into Interweb Land: I set up a joint Twitter account that all of us will be using to update, formulate, tease, and spew randomness/wisdom/comedy to all of you. Please, if you have a Twitter, follow us @FoSTwits. I promise we won't disappoint.

Shelby and I have also been tossing about ideas like Formspring for Q and A sessions, interviews, and a video tour of Suburbia. I've also been thinking about a Facebook page, and a tumblr link-up. Let us know what you guys want to see the Freaks expand to in the future by leaving a comment here or on our YouTube, or you can tweet reply us @FoSTwits (make sure you tag #future). You can even e-mail the Freaks directly at, though that might have a more prolonged response time. We also have a VYou account, so you can send questions/comments/concerns to us, and hopefully we'll figure out how to respond in a timely fashion.

Now for the fun part: Shelby and I did a video series for our vacation. Parts 1 and 2 are up now for your viewing pleasure on the Freaks of Suburbia YouTube channel. Here are the links:
Part 1
Part 2

Enjoy, and thanks for enduring my serious business rant. Please please PLEASE leave feedback through one of our various accounts!

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