Friday 27 May 2011

Phone Tapping

I've been throwing this idea around in my head for a while, and it's finally coming to fruition. A few reasons behind this idea before I begin:

1. Besides Twitter, texting is the main form of communication between the Freaks, since we're spread far and wide throughout the day, and we never know when genius will strike.

2. People are always really paranoid about other people reading their texts. Since we're outside the mainstream, we're the opposite - we want to share our private conversations with you.

3. We want you to experience how our minds actually work on a day-to-day basis, not just on blog days.

Because of the barrier between us, however, you guys might not get some of our inside jokes. Anything that might be unclear, I have hyperlinked to something else that may explain it better, SO DON'T SKIP OUT ON THE LINKS! *ahem*

This first conversation is between Abby and I, from February 20, 2011. For clarity, my texts will be represented by K, and Abby will be reperesented by P. Enjoy!

K: Are you watching
Hockey Day in America (in America)?

P: Kinda, it's on the TV, but I'm on the computer.

K: Did you see that
Dumbledore-looking guy playing pond hockey?

P: OMG, YES! Dumbledore lives, and he plays hockey!

K: YES. So, I totally nerded out and got Tetris and NHL GameCenter on my phone. I heart free apps, and the letter U.

P: NERD! So, since you don't have
CBC, I need to tell you about Don Cherry's suit: black and yellow checkers. In other words, DONALD S. CHERRY IS A HUFFLEPUFF, BITCH!

K: I'm glad I didn't see it - I feel like I'd have nightmares.

P: Oh yeah, I forgot you're afraid of checkers. Pussy.

K: At least I don't have a crippling fear of bees. And
Smith Puget.

P: Fear of bees and Smith Puget makes a lot more sense than fear of a geometric pattern. Oh, and pixels.

K: Fear of geometric patterns is legit - geometry is Satan's work.

P: Even triangles?

K: Triangles are a whole different bag of awesome.

P: No, triangles are the devil trying to tempt you into sin. Just be sure to keep the lurve of Jebus in your heart, and you can overcome those evil triangles.

K: LOLOL what. Jesus is so mainstream.

P: I spent a good chunk of the day looking through an anti-religious
Tumblr, so that kind of bullshit was on my mind. And yes, Jesus is SO mainstream.

K: Trufax, man.

P: You should worship the
flying spaghetti monster; he's still underground and he hasn't sold out to the man yet. And you can eat lots of spaghetti sandwiches.

K: I'd only be in it for the spaghetti sandwiches.

P: Yay! You can be just like
Gary Busey!

K: Yay?

Coco will have his blimp follow you everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

K: It's always been my dream to be stalked by an obnoxious orange blimp.

P: Mine too! No wonder we're such good buddies - we have so much in common!

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