Wednesday 24 February 2010

Why are we looking for him, again?

Two posts in one day?! And within less than 2 hours of each other?! This is surely some kind of Hole in the Road record!!! Lets celebrate with fruit snacks!

Any-who's, time for my story. Since I have no job and I'm not going to school at the moment, I pretty much sit around all day doing whatever. And today, "whatever" included watching AFI tour videos, lol-ing at Smith's antics, being perplexed by Davey's makeup choices, and "Ohs furoobita!"-ing* Hunter. Just then, I happened to look out the window and see two cute blonde boys walking down my scary, steep driveway.

Normally, I don't go after blondes, I much prefer brunettes, but these guys were cute. One of them had emo glasses and long-ish hair and the other had shorter hair and freckles and both of them were wearing spiffy looking black jackets. All in all, not the best guys I have ever seen, but pretty damn good.

They both looked sort of confused, so I figured they were lost or something like that. So I answered the door ready to dazzle them with my know-how of Brighton roads, and maybe leave a good impression and get a phone number. But the second I opened the door, I realized that these guys weren't lost, but on one of the most annoying missions of all: door-to-door Bible thumping.

"Have you found Jesus Christ?", says the short-haired, freckled boy. Normally, my response to that question would be "YOU LOST HIM?!?!", but for some reason, all I could find myself saying was "...Uh..." Thankfully, neither of them were too preachy. They just gave me a little pamphlet and were gone in less than 5 minutes.

I went back to watching AFI, slightly sad, slightly amused. Unfortunately, in Brighton, this kind of occurrence isn't too rare. I swear, there are more Bible-thumpers in Brighton than there are trees and most of them aren't quick to the point like the blondes. They drag it out for as long as they can, hoping that eventually your resolve will weaken and you'll do whatever they want. The worst ones are the ones that act like care about you and insist that you can be "saved" only if you join such-and-such a church. Saved from what? Is Slender Man after me?

Also, on an only slightly related note, if I ever get a dog of my own I kinda want to name him Jesus Christ. That way, if he ever runs away, I can go to all my neighbor's houses and ask them "Have you found Jesus Christ?!", and the first one to answer with "YOU LOST HIM?!" gets a prize. More likely than not, though, I'll end up naming my dog Sirius or something else nerd-like.

That is all for today, unless Joo decides to post something to keep the streak going. YOU CAN DO IT!!


*"Ohs furoobita" is how Sims express attraction to another Sim in the Sims 2. Yes, that means I like Hunter, YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!?!

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