Monday 8 March 2010

Hello fellow non-readers. So, I turned Mudracker today, even though I didn't have to try very hard, but my efforts payed off. So, BHS (brighton High School) is doing this thing called Day of Silence. Maybe, I'll post a picture of this poster that I picked up. It says;
Day of Silence is a national youth-run campaign to
protest the silencing of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgendered people all over the world by being silent for an entire day.
Join the movement.
I honestly think it's the best thing sense sliced bread. And, to answer any of your dumb ass questions, yes, I'm bi. If you have a problem with people who check out girls AND guys, being straight is so 1900's (no offence Peanut and Karrol, or anyone else).
Sorry, I'm just alittle tired today, but for shiz, if you have a problem with it I'll pull a Jeffree Star and pull out a random trazer on you. *insert random dude here* don't taze me bro....
Anyhoodles, if you want to join the movement, the Day of Silence is April 16. I don't know if it'll move this year. I'm gonna go ahead and say you don't have to go to BHS, but, do it for that gay best friend you've always wanted, or that chick who forgot to turn off the light while she was banging her girlfriend (you perv. Get help for that, they have Perverts Anonymous), or your sister, or brother, or who ever, it's not like any ones asking you to eat your first born, or give an alcholic part of your liver.

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