Thursday 29 April 2010

Stay in Your Own Lane, or Things Could Get Ugly

Greetings and Salutations, freaks! I have been severely lacking in my updating, and I sincerely apologize to all of our pretend readers. We love you guys. Anyhoodles (now I sound like Shelby), I have a dare for you:

Ask anyone about the worst thing that could happen while bowling. They will almost undoubtedly say that the worst thing would be to bowl a gutter.

Now ask a freak. We will reply in the same manner, but with a freaky twist: The worst thing that could possibly happen while bowling is to get a a lane besides your own. Granted, this has never happened to one of us, but Abby and I witnessed this disturbing phenomenon on Monday night.

Abby, her mom, and I were at Brighton Bowl getting our balls on by playing dollar games this Monday night. The lane next to us was vacant for our first game, but halfway through the second, a troop of miscreet-like douche-bags took over. They turned out actually to be quite entertaining.

At first, said douches were trying to be showoffs. They practically bounced the bowling balls down the lane, and it proved effective, or at least until the leader of them, Craig, bounced a ball into the gutter, but then, as if it were magnetized, the ball jumped up over the barrier between lanes, and rolled down our gutter, and into the arm on our lane. It was HI-larious. I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire alley saw, and most of them were laughing.

The mishap messed up my frame, as I was the next to bowl, but re-doing the frame was superfluous, as the outcome was the same each time. The guy, Craig, apologized, but I just laughed.

So, what happens when you don't stay where you belong? Things get ugly.

The most normal thing about us freaks is that we are eighties-style mall rats. We go to the mall almost every weekend, whether it be The Green Oak Mall, The Brighton Mall, or The Twelve Oaks Mall. But no matter which mall we're at, we like to play a game called, "How out of place can we feel?", a delightfully fun social experiment. And from this experiment bred another: "Which store has the ugliest fashion?"

It all started one day when I was cleaning out my closet. I pulled out some hideous eighties bridesmaid dresses that I keep around for shits and giggles (also, I'm a half-assed seamstress, and maybe one day, I'll make something of them, but for now, they just sit in my overstuffed closet and collect horror stories). Shelby decided that it would be hilarious if she tried them on and we put them on the blog. This eventually led to scouring the malls for similarly ugly dresses, photographing their unholiness, and putting them right here in The Hole for you all to revel in.

This is just the beginning.

Shelby, in a ravishing red, walking like an Egyptian, and giving birth to the Freaks' biggest scheme to date.

Me, getting in on the action.

I started out as designated photographer, but couldn't resist this one-shouldered monstrosity.

Abby, looking like a waitress.

From this point forward, we weren't just looking for the ugly ones. No dress is safe from the freaks!

Our Freaky Protege, Ansley, has been in on it since the beginning.

Surprisingly, she's the most versatile of freaks: she fits in both girls' and ladies' sizes.

Sometimes, even the Sometimes Freaks got sucked in.

Danielle, looking as if she'd been attacked by an orange monster.

Emily, rocking the hippie look.

Even the demon child got caught up in the fashion fever.

There are plenty more where those came from, and if we could ever get our Flickr to work, we'd share them with you! Links to come, trust.
And now, I must saunter off to bed, for I must work my low-paying job early tomorrow. Until next time, if you can't beat 'em, scare the piss out of 'em.

In Memoriam

Hello fellow Hole in the Road-ers, today we gather for a sad occasion. Our good friend, Pole Shoe, has disappeared. I made this tragic discover a few weeks ago, while at Target with my mom. Out of habit, I looked over at the pole our friend usually occupies, but it was empty, as were all the other poles in the parking lot. One can only imagine where pole shoe is now, maybe he's in a garbage dump, maybe he's in the middle of a busy street, or worse, maybe he's actually being worn by some gross little kid. Either way, we must remember Pole Shoe the way he was, not the way he might be now. And now, I would like us all to take a moment of silence in honor of our friend.

We will miss you, Pole Shoe.

Friday 23 April 2010

Bio musings, so fun.

I hate teenage drama. And, I have nothing to do. The girl next to me keeps reading my blog, and I'm not sure about this blog yet. Let's find out, shall we?

The stench of my hair is giving me a headache, but, this blog is not about me. If you wanna read about me, and all of me Glory- wait, what was I talking about? Oh, right teenage drama, right.

It's spring here in Brighton, and high school drama is blooming faster then my boredom in this class. Yeah, that's how fast the drama train moves people! More later.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Why hello thar!

Hello indeed. It's been what? 3 weeks, more? Anyway in those three weeks a lot of shit has happened to the freaks, for instance, ugly dress trying on-ness and, Superman! The best waiter ever!

Okay, so Superman works at this Greek resonant, I don't remember the name right now. I'm used to calling in 'The Greek Place.' Anyhoodles, we were going out to dinner (me and Kari) and our protege Shake Man Zilla of Many Mens, or you Earthlings might know her as Ansley.

But, anyway, Superman was going to get me a Mellow Yellow, or Mountain Dew knock off, and returned in like 1.5 seconds. Shake was all, "Woah! That was super fast! You're like Superman!"

Thus the name Superman.

Superman got a note from us freaks, and I hope a big tip. I mean, he did deserve it, he had to put up with us freaks!

The freaks need a slogan.... Eat it, like it, live it, and stick it in other peoples faces!

That sounds dirty....

Right.... Thanks Superman!
